Transform silent videos with dynamic, customizable chat bubbles


  • Customizable chat icon

  • Customizable font, font size and font color

  • Customizable chat bubble color, length, duration and fade out duration

  • Show what you type in real-time behind a green screen for easy use!



Transform silent videos with dynamic, customizable chat bubbles


  • This is the main window! It has a green background for easy chroma keying in your editor of choice

  • Chats appear on the bottom left with an slot for profile icon that can be turned on and off!

  • The bubbles stack on top of each other, and will stay on the screen for a deafult time of 8 seconds before fading out over the default span of 1 second.

  • This is a separate window that will always appear above the previous screen for easy access

  • Click on the message box and start typing! You'll see your message appear on the main screen

  • Click enter to "send" your message! The text input will automatically get reset

  • Here you can adjust any setting you'd like! Click apply to apply it or apply default to revert back to the default values

  • Clicking apply will save your settings, the next time you launch the program it'll remember for you!

  • Clicking apply default does not overwrite your saved settings, to resave with the default settings simply click "apply default" and then "apply"

  • Icons must be a .png, .jpeg or .jpeg file

  • Fonst must be a .ttf or .otf file


Transform silent videos with dynamic, customizable chat bubbles

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